Closed-loop identification

This example will investigate how different identification algorithms perform on closed-loop data, i.e., when the input to the system is produced by a controller using output feedback.

We will consider a very simple system $G(z) = \dfrac{1}{z - 0.9}$ with colored output noise and various inputs formed by output feedback $u = -Ly + r(t)$, where $r$ will vary between the experiments.

It is well known that in the absence of $r$ and with a simple regulator, identifiability is poor, indeed, if

\[y_{k+1} = a y_k + b u_k, \quad u_k = L y_k\]

we get the closed-loop system

\[y_{k+1} = (a + bL)y_k\]

where we can not distinguish $a$ and $b$. The introduction of $r$ resolves this

\[\begin{aligned} y_{k+1} &= a y_k + b u_k \\ u_k &= L y_k + r \\ y_{k+1} &= (a + bL)y_k + b r_k \end{aligned}\]

The very first experiment below will illustrate the problem when there is no excitation through $r$.

We start by defining a model of the true system, a function that simulates some data and adds colored output noise, as well as a function that estimates three different models and plots their frequency responses. We will consider three estimation methods

  1. arx, a prediction-error approach based on a least-squares estimate.
  2. A subspace-based method subspaceid, known to be biased in the presence of output feedback.
  3. The prediction-error method (PEM) newpem

The ARX and PEM methods are theoretically unbiased in the presence of output feedback, see [Ljung], while the subspace-based method is not. (Note: the subspace-based method is used to form the initial guess for the iterative PEM algorithm)

using ControlSystemsBase, ControlSystemIdentification, Plots
G = tf(1, [1, -0.9], 1) # True system

function generate_data(u; T)
    E = c2d(tf(1 / 100, [1, 0.01, 0.1]), 1) # Noise model for colored noise
    e = lsim(E, randn(1, T)).y              # Noise realization
    function u_noise(x, t)
        y = x .+ e[t] # Add the measured noise to the state to simulate feedback of measurement noise
        u(y, t)
    res = lsim(G, u_noise, 1:T, x0 = [1])
    d = iddata(res)
    d.y .+= e # Add the measurement noise to the output that is stored in the data object

function estimate_and_plot(d, nx=1; title, focus=:prediciton)
    Gh1 = arx(d, 1, 1)

    sys0 = subspaceid(d, nx; focus)

    Gh2, _ = ControlSystemIdentification.newpem(d, nx; sys0, focus)

    figb = bodeplot(
        [G, Gh1, sys0.sys, Gh2.sys];
        ticks = :default,
        lab = ["True system" "ARX" "Subspace" "PEM"],
        plotphase = false,

    figd = plot(d)
    plot(figb, figd)
estimate_and_plot (generic function with 2 methods)

In the first experiment, we have no reference excitation, with a small amount of data ($T=80$), we get terrible estimates

L = 0.5 # Feedback gain u = -L*x
u = (x, t) -> -L * x
title = "-Lx"
estimate_and_plot(generate_data(u, T=80), title=title*",  T=80")
Example block output

with a larger amount of data $T=8000$, we get equally terrible estimates

estimate_and_plot(generate_data(u, T=8000), title=title*",  T=8000")
Example block output

This indicates that we can not hope to estimate a model if the system is driven by noise only.

We now consider a simple, periodic excitation $r = \sin(t)$

L = 0.5 # Feedback gain u = -L*x
u = (x, t) -> -L * x .+ 5sin(t)
title = "-Lx + 5sin(t)"
estimate_and_plot(generate_data(u, T=80), title=title*",  T=80")
Example block output

In this case, all but the subspace-based method performs quite well

estimate_and_plot(generate_data(u, T=8000), title=title*",  T=8000")
Example block output

More data does not help the subspace method.

With a more complex excitation (random white-spectrum noise), all methods perform well

L = 0.5 # Feedback gain u = -L*x
u = (x, t) -> -L * x .+ 5randn()
title = "-Lx + 5randn()"
estimate_and_plot(generate_data(u, T=80), title=title*",  T=80")
Example block output

and even slightly better with more data.

estimate_and_plot(generate_data(u, T=8000), title=title*",  T=8000")
Example block output

If the feedback is strong but the excitation is weak, the results are rather poor for all methods, it's thus important to have enough energy in the excitation compared to the feedback path.

L = 1 # Feedback gain u = -L*x
u = (x, t) -> -L * x .+ 0.1randn()
title = "-Lx + 0.1randn()"
estimate_and_plot(generate_data(u, T=80), title=title*",  T=80")
Example block output

In this case, we can try to increase the model order of the PEM and subspace-based methods to see if they are able to learn the noise model (which has two poles)

estimate_and_plot(generate_data(u, T=8000), 3, title=title*",  T=8000")
Example block output

learning the noise model can sometimes work reasonably well, but requires more data. You may extract the learned noise model using noise_model.

Detecting the presence of feedback

It is sometimes possible to detect the presence of feedback in a dataset by looking at the cross-correlation between input and output. For a causal system, there shouldn't be any correlation for negative lags, but feedback literally feeds outputs back to the input, leading to a reverse causality:

L = 0.5 # Feedback gain u = -L*x
u = (x, t) -> -L * x .+ randn.()
title = "-Lx + 5sin(t)"
crosscorplot(generate_data(u, T=500), -5:10, m=:circle)
Example block output

Here, the plot clearly has significant correlation for both positive and negative lag, indicating the presence of feedback. The controller used here is a static P-controller, leading to a one-step correlation backwards in time. With a dynamic controller (like a PI controller), the effect would be more significant.

If we remove the feedback, we get

L = 0.0 # no feedback
u = (x, t) -> -L * x .+ randn.()
title = "-Lx + 5sin(t)"
crosscorplot(generate_data(u, T=500), -5:10, m=:circle)
Example block output

now, the correlation for negative lags and zero lag is mostly non-significant (below the dashed lines).

  • LjungLjung, Lennart. "System identification–-Theory for the user", Ch 13.