In this example, we will estimate a model for a glass furnace.
We will get the data from STADIUS's Identification Database
using DelimitedFiles, Plots
using ControlSystemIdentification, ControlSystemsBase
url = ""
zipfilename = "/tmp/furnace.dat.gz"
path =, zipfilename)
run(`gunzip -f $path`)
data = readdlm(path[1:end-3])
u = data[:, 2:4]'
y = data[:, 5:10]'
d = iddata(y, u, 1)
InputOutput data of length 1247, 6 outputs, 3 inputs, Ts = 1
The input consists of two heating inputs and one cooling input, while there are 6 outputs from temperature sensors in a cross section of the furnace.
Before we estimate any model, we inspect the data
plot(d, layout=9)
We split the data in two, and use the first part for estimation and the second for validation. This system requires zeroD=false
to be able to capture a direct feedthrough to output 4, otherwise the fit for output 4 will always be rather poor.
dtrain = d[1:2end÷3]
dval = d[2end÷3:end]
model = subspaceid(dtrain, 7, zeroD=false)
We can have a look at the $D$ matrix in the estimated model
6×3 Matrix{Float64}:
-0.0162229 -0.0143999 0.214359
-0.00356019 -0.00725287 0.0991567
-0.00343267 -0.00755522 0.0986383
-0.0712456 -0.0359864 0.665711
-0.011395 -0.0131599 0.127809
-0.0103743 -0.00876221 0.133655
indeed, the (4,3) element is rather large.
We validate the model by prediction on the validation data:
predplot(model, dval, h=1, layout=6)
predplot!(model, dval, h=10, ploty=false)
The figures above show the result of predicting $h={1, 10}$ steps into the future.
We can visualize the estimated model in the frequency domain as well.
w = exp10.(LinRange(-3, log10(pi/d.Ts), 200))
sigmaplot(model.sys, w, lab="MOESP")