
This algorithm uses a quadratic program to solve the ILC problem subject to constraints on the adjustment signal $a$ and the plant output $y$.

The algorithm comes from the paper On Robustness in Optimization-Based Constrained Iterative Learning Control and considers an LQR style optimization problem

\[\operatorname{min}_{a_{k+1}} J_{k+1} = e_{k+1}^T Q e_{k+1} + a_{k+1}^T R a_{k+1}\]

subject to constraints on $a$ and $y$.

The optimization problem is internally modeled using JuMP and will, if the user-provided constraints are linear, end up as a quadratic program. However, the user may supply arbitrary constraints supported by JuMP, in which case a supporting optimization solver must be used. Below, we use the QP solver OSQP.


This algorithm is only available if the user has manually installed and loaded the packages JuMP and BlockArrays. The user must additionally install a solver compatible with the modeled optimization problem. If only linear constraints are used, we recommend OSQP.


The constraints are added by providing two functions to the constructor of ConstrainedILC. Each of these functions take a JuMP model as well as a JuMP optimization variable as input. The user then adds the desired constraints that applies to the variable in the function. For example, to add constraints to the adjustment signal $-25 ≤ a ≤ 25$, we create the function

A = function (model, a)
    lower,upper = -25ones(, 25ones(
    JuMP.@constraint(model, [i=1:size(v, 2)], lower .<= a[:, i] .<= upper)

Similarly, we may add constraints on the outputs $y$ by providing a similar function $Y$.

To constrain the total plant input, i.e., the sum of the contributions from ILC feedforward and feedback control, we create a constrained system that as the signals that we wish to constrain as outputs, and we can thus add these constraints as output constraints. If such a constrained output system is not supplied, it is assumed that the default plant output is constrained.


This example mirrors that of HeuristicILC, we create the system model and feedback controller here without any explanation, and refer to the HeuristicILC example for those details

using IterativeLearningControl2, ControlSystemsBase, Plots

function double_mass_model(;
                Jm = 1,   # motor inertia
                Jl = 1,   # load inertia
                k  = 100, # stiffness
                c0 = 1,   # motor damping
                c1 = 1,   # transmission damping
                c2 = 1,   # load damping

    A = [
        0.0 1 0 0
        -k/Jm -(c1 + c0)/Jm k/Jm c1/Jm
        0 0 0 1
        k/Jl c1/Jl -k/Jl -(c1 + c2)/Jl
    B = [0, 1/Jm, 0, 0]
    C = [1 0 0 0]
    ss(A, B, C, 0)

# Continuous
P    = double_mass_model(Jl = 1)
Pact = double_mass_model(Jl = 1.5) # 50% more load than modeled
C    = pid(10, 1, 1, form = :series) * tf(1, [0.02, 1])

Ts = 0.02 # Sample time
Gr = c2d(feedback(P*C), Ts)       |> tf
Gu = c2d(feedback(P, C), Ts)
Gract = c2d(feedback(Pact*C), Ts)
Guact = c2d(feedback(Pact, C), Ts)

T = 3pi    # Duration
t = 0:Ts:T # Time vector
function funnysin(t)
    x = sin(t)
    s,a = sign(x), abs(x)
    y = s*((a + 0.01)^0.2 - 0.01^0.2)
    t > 2π ? sign(y) : y
r = funnysin.(t)' |> Array # Reference signal
1×472 Matrix{Float64}:
 0.0  0.0978228  0.15115  0.189348  …  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0

Next, we define the ILCProblem and create the learning algorithm object ConstrainedILC.

Here, we constrain the ILC input $-25 ≤ a ≤ 25$ and the plant output $-1.1 ≤ y ≤ 1.1$. We also use the QP solver OSQP. The weight matrices that penalize the control error, $Q$, and the control effort, $R$, are also supplied. $α$ is a learning-rate parameter and this must be smaller than 2. The default value is 0.5.

We finally run the ILC iterations using the function ilc and plot the result.

using JuMP, BlockArrays, OSQP, LinearAlgebra

prob = ILCProblem(; r, Gr, Gu)

Q = 1000I(Gr.ny)
R = 0.001I(

A = function (model, v)
    lower,upper = -25ones(, 25ones(
    JuMP.@constraint(model, [i=1:size(v, 2)], lower .<= v[:, i] .<= upper)

Y = function (model, yh)
    lower,upper = -1.1ones(Gr.ny), 1.1ones(Gr.ny)
    JuMP.@constraint(model, [i=1:size(yh, 2)], lower .<= yh[:, i] .<= upper)

alg = ConstrainedILC(; Q, R, A, Y, opt=OSQP.Optimizer, verbose=true, α=1)
sol = ilc(prob, alg)
plot(sol); hline!([1.1], l=(:red, :dash), sp=1, lab="Constraint")
Example block output

We see that the output constraint is violated in the first iteration. This is expected since the optimizer hasn't yet been run while this experiment was performed. Subsequent iterations respect the constraint.

The result looks good when run on the model, but how does it looks if we run it on the "actual" dynamics with 50% larger load inertia?

actual = ILCProblem(; r, Gr=Gract, Gu=Guact)
sol = ilc(prob, alg; actual)
plot(sol); hline!([1.1], l=(:red, :dash), sp=1, lab="Constraint")
Example block output

Still quite good, but we do not quite satisfy the output constraint until after 4 iterations. The paper from which the algorithm is taken contains additional considerations required for robust constraint satisfaction under bounded disturbances and model uncertainty. These are not implemented here, but we encourage the interested reader to read the paper and consider the package LazySets.jl for the required computations of constraint sets, in particular, the Minkowski difference.

Constraining the total control input

Above, we placed a constraint on the ILC adjustment signal $a$, but no constraint on the total control signal including the contribution of the feedback controller. Below, we create an augmented system that includes this signal as output, and then constrain this as an output constraint. The transfer function from reference to control signal is $C/(1+PC)$, while the transfer function from a feedforward signal added directly to the plant input to the total plant input is given by the (input) complementary sensitivity function $CP / (1 + CP)$. We constrain the total control signal to be $-500 ≤ u ≤ 500$, and thus modify the Y function from above to include this constraint:

Gr_constraints = [Gr; c2d(feedback(C, P), Ts)] # Add output signal corresponding to the total control signal
Gu_constraints = [Gu; c2d(feedback(C*P), Ts)]

Y = function (model, yh)
    upper = [1.1, 500] # [plant output, total control signal]
    lower = -upper
    JuMP.@constraint(model, [i=1:size(yh, 2)], lower .<= yh[:, i] .<= upper)

alg = ConstrainedILC(; Gr_constraints, Gu_constraints, Q, R, A, Y, opt=OSQP.Optimizer, verbose=true, α=1)
sol = ilc(prob, alg; actual)
Example block output

This time, we do not achieve as small control error as before, but this is expected since the ILC algorithm now has additional constrained to respect.

To plot the total control signal, we may simulate the augmented system. The input to this system is the reference signal $r$ as well as the last adjustment signal $a$ from the ILC algorithm (obtained from sol.A[end])

constrained_res = lsim([Gr_constraints Gu_constraints], [r; sol.A[end]])
plot(constrained_res, title=["Plant output" "Total control signal"]); hline!([1.1 500], l=(:red, :dash), lab="Constraint")
Example block output

We see that the control signal spikes at the sharp step in the reference, but it stays below the constraint 500. Nice.


ConstrainedILC(; Q, R, A, Y, Gr_constraints, Gu_constraints, opt, verbose=false, α)

Constrained ILC algorithm from the paper "On Robustness in Optimization-Based Constrained Iterative Learning Control", Liao-McPherson and friends.

The use of this ILC algorithms requires the user to manually install and load the packages using JuMP, BlockArrays as well as a compatible solver (such as OSQP).

Supports MIMO systems.


  • Q: Error penalty matrix, e.g., Q = I(ny)
  • R: Feedforward penalty matrix, e.g., R = I(nu)
  • A: A function of (model, a) that adds constraints to the optimization problem. a is a size (nu, N) matrix of optimization variables that determines the optimized ILC input. See example below.
  • Y: A function of (model, yh) that adds constraints to the optimization problem. yh is a size (ny, N) matrix of predicted plant outputs. See example below
  • opt: A JuMP-compatible optimizer, e.g., OSQP.Optimizer
  • α: Step size, should be smaller than 2. Smaller step sizes lead to more robust progress but slower convergence. Use a small step size if the model is highly uncertain.
  • verbose: If true, print solver output
  • Gr_constraints: If provided, this is the closed-loop transfer function from reference to constrained outputs. If not provided, the constrained outputs are assumed to be equal to the plant outputs.
  • Gu_constraints: If provided, this is the closed-loop transfer function from plant input to constrained outputs. If not provided, the constrained outputs are assumed to be equal to the plant outputs.


using IterativeLearningControl2, OSQP, JuMP, BlockArrays, ControlSystemsBase

# Define Gr and Gu

Q = 1000I(Gr.ny)
R = 0.001I(

A = function (model, a) # Constrain the ILC input to the range [-25, 25]
    l,u = (-25ones(, 25ones(
    JuMP.@constraint(model, [i=1:size(a, 2)], l .<= a[:, i] .<= u)

Y = function (model, yh) # Constrain the predicted output to the range [-1.1, 1.1]
    l,u = -1.1ones(Gr.ny), 1.1ones(Gr.ny)
    JuMP.@constraint(model, [i=1:size(yh, 2)], l .<= yh[:, i] .<= u)

alg = ConstrainedILC(; Q, R, A, Y, opt=OSQP.Optimizer, verbose=true, α=1)

To constrain the total plant input, i.e., the sum of the ILC feedforward and the output of the feedback controller, add outputs corresponding to this signal to the models Gr, Gu, for example

Gr_constraints = [Gr; feedback(C, P)]
Gu_constraints = [Gu; feedback(1, C*P)]

and constrain this output in the function Y above.
