
This ILC scheme uses a model, linear or nonlinear, SISO or MIMO, to compute the gradient of a quadratic cost model

\[\operatorname{min.}_{a} J = e^T e\]

The update to the ILC adjustment signal $a$ is then computed as

\[a_{k+1} = a_k + β H^T e_k\]

The parameter $\beta$ is the learning step size, $H$ is the Jacobian of the plant output w.r.t. $a$ and $e$ is the tracking error.

The ILC update rule above highlights the similarity between this scheme and a simple gradient-descent algorithm to solve an optimal control problem, the only difference is whether the tracking error $e$ comes from a simulation (optimal control) or from an experiment on a physical system (ILC). The cost model can also be trivially modified to include a penalty on the size of the adjustment signal $a$.

A model-free version of this algorithm exists, see ModelFreeILC.


This example mirrors that of HeuristicILC, we create the system model and feedback controller here without any explanation, and refer to the HeuristicILC example for those details

using IterativeLearningControl2, ControlSystemsBase, Plots

function double_mass_model(;
                Jm = 1,   # motor inertia
                Jl = 1,   # load inertia
                k  = 100, # stiffness
                c0 = 1,   # motor damping
                c1 = 1,   # transmission damping
                c2 = 1,   # load damping

    A = [
        0.0 1 0 0
        -k/Jm -(c1 + c0)/Jm k/Jm c1/Jm
        0 0 0 1
        k/Jl c1/Jl -k/Jl -(c1 + c2)/Jl
    B = [0, 1/Jm, 0, 0]
    C = [1 0 0 0]
    ss(A, B, C, 0)

# Continuous
P    = double_mass_model(Jl = 1)
Pact = double_mass_model(Jl = 1.5) # 50% more load than modeled
C    = pid(10, 1, 1, form = :series) * tf(1, [0.02, 1])

Ts = 0.02 # Sample time
Gr = c2d(feedback(P*C), Ts)       |> tf
Gu = c2d(feedback(P, C), Ts)
Gract = c2d(feedback(Pact*C), Ts)
Guact = c2d(feedback(Pact, C), Ts)

T = 3pi    # Duration
t = 0:Ts:T # Time vector
function funnysin(t)
    x = sin(t)
    s,a = sign(x), abs(x)
    y = s*((a + 0.01)^0.2 - 0.01^0.2)
    t > 2π ? sign(y) : y
r = funnysin.(t)' |> Array # Reference signal
1×472 Matrix{Float64}:
 0.0  0.0978228  0.15115  0.189348  …  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0

Next, we define the ILCProblem and create the learning algorithm object OptimizationILC

prob = ILCProblem(; r, Gr, Gu)
actual = ILCProblem(; r, Gr=Gract, Gu=Guact)

alg = GradientILC(500)
sol = ilc(prob, alg; iters=5)
Example block output

The result looks good, how about when run on the "actual" dynamics with 50% larger load inertia?

sol = ilc(prob, alg; actual, iters=5)
Example block output

Still pretty good.



A model-based gradient ILC scheme that works for linear or nonlinear systems. The ILC update rule is

\[a_{k+1}(t) = a_k(t) + β H^T e_k(t)\]

where H is the Jacobian of the plant output w.r.t. $a$ and β is the step size.

For non-square MIMO systems, this algorithm can only operate on the reference signal, i.e., with $G_u = G_r$ in the ILCProblem. This is because the algorithm adds a scaled version of the tracking error to the ILC adjustment signal, and the two must thus be of compatible dimensions.

A model-free version of this algorithm is implemented in ModelFreeILC.


  • β::Float64: Step size (learning rate)