This ILC scheme is completely model free and works for nonlinear and time varying MIMO systems. The algorithm is described in the paper "Model-free Gradient Iterative Learning Control for Non-linear Systems" by Huo and friends.
The algorithm works by performing 3 experiments per ILC iteration
- One rollout with the current ILC signal, $G(a)$
- One rollout with the mean of the current ILC signal, $G(\hat a)$
- One rollout with the mean perturbed by a multiple of the time-reversed tracking error from experiment 1, $G(\hat a + \alpha \tilde{e})$. This allows us to compute an estimate of the gradient for a quadratic cost model.
Above, $\tilde{\cdot}$ denotes time reversal and $\hat{\cdot}$ denotes the mean of a signal. $G(a)$ denotes applying dynamic system $G$ to signal $a$, i.e., performing an experiment on $G$ with $a$ as input.
The update to the ILC adjustment signal $a$ is then computed as
\[a_{k+1} = a_k - \frac{\beta}{\alpha} \widetilde{\big( G(\hat a + \alpha \tilde{e}) - G(\hat a) \big)}\]
The parameter $\alpha$ controls the size of the "finite-difference perturbation" and $\beta$ is the learning step size.
Experiment number 3 that uses the time-reversed tracking error gives the algorithm "foresight" in a similar fashion to how HeuristicILC uses a non-causal learning-rate filter $L$.
This example mirrors that of HeuristicILC, we create the system model and feedback controller here without any explanation, and refer to the HeuristicILC example for those details
using IterativeLearningControl2, ControlSystemsBase, Plots
function double_mass_model(;
Jm = 1, # motor inertia
Jl = 1, # load inertia
k = 100, # stiffness
c0 = 1, # motor damping
c1 = 1, # transmission damping
c2 = 1, # load damping
A = [
0.0 1 0 0
-k/Jm -(c1 + c0)/Jm k/Jm c1/Jm
0 0 0 1
k/Jl c1/Jl -k/Jl -(c1 + c2)/Jl
B = [0, 1/Jm, 0, 0]
C = [1 0 0 0]
ss(A, B, C, 0)
# Continuous
P = double_mass_model(Jl = 1)
Pact = double_mass_model(Jl = 1.5) # 50% more load than modeled
C = pid(10, 1, 1, form = :series) * tf(1, [0.02, 1])
Ts = 0.02 # Sample time
Gr = c2d(feedback(P*C), Ts) |> tf
Gu = c2d(feedback(P, C), Ts)
Gract = c2d(feedback(Pact*C), Ts)
Guact = c2d(feedback(Pact, C), Ts)
T = 3pi # Duration
t = 0:Ts:T # Time vector
function funnysin(t)
x = sin(t)
s,a = sign(x), abs(x)
y = s*((a + 0.01)^0.2 - 0.01^0.2)
t > 2π ? sign(y) : y
r = funnysin.(t)' |> Array # Reference signal
1×472 Matrix{Float64}:
0.0 0.0978228 0.15115 0.189348 … 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Next, we define the ILCProblem
and create the learning algorithm object OptimizationILC
prob = ILCProblem(; r, Gr, Gu)
actual = ILCProblem(; r, Gr=Gract, Gu=Guact)
alg = ModelFreeILC(1, 500)
sol = ilc(prob, alg; actual, iters=10)
The result looks good, and since this algorithm is completely model free, we ran it directly on the "actual" dynamics without considering how it performs when using the model, like we did in the other examples. Keep in mind that this algorithm internally performs 3 rollouts (experiments) for each ILC iteration, so the experimental complexity is 3x of the other algorithms. To show all the intermediate input signals, we use the keyword argument store_all=true
when calling ilc
sol = ilc(prob, alg; actual, iters=10, store_all=true)
We now see the total number of rollouts performed. The tracking error now appears to have a non-monotonic behavior, which is expected since the intermediate rollouts apply a signal designed to estimate a gradient rather than minimizing the tracking error.
— TypeModelFreeILC
A model-free ILC scheme that works for linear, nonlinear systems and time-varying systems. The algorithm is described in the paper "Model-free Gradient Iterative Learning Control for Non-linear Systems" by Huo and friends.
This algorithm requires three rollouts per ILC iteration and is not yet compatible with compute_input
. When the ILCSolution is plotted, the number of actual rollouts performed is thus three times then number of ILC iterations shown in the plot (unless store_all=true
in which case the true number of experiments is shown).
For non-square MIMO systems, this algorithm can only operate on the reference signal, i.e., with $G_u = G_r$ in the ILCProblem. This is because the algorithm adds a scaled version of the tracking error to the ILC adjustment signal, and the two must thus be of compatible dimensions.
When this algorithm is used, an additional keyword argument to the function ilc
is available, store_all
. If set to store_all = true
, the returned solution object will contain all intermediate plant responses, errors and ILC inputs. This is useful for debugging and plotting.
See also GradientILC
for the model-based version of this algorithm. The model-based version only requires a single rollout per iteration.
: Perturbation size. An intermediate experiment with $α e$ as input will be performed to compute the gradient. A value around 1 is a good start.β
: Step size.