This ILC algorithm is derived by considering the optimization problem
\[\operatorname{min}_{a_{k+1}} J_{k+1} = e_{k+1}^T e_{k+1} + ρ a_{k+1}^T a_{k+1}\]
subject to
\[||a_{k+1}-a_{k}||_2^2 < \delta\]
Internally, a system model on Hankel-operator form is used, that is, the linear system is represented as a matrix operator $T_a$ consisting of shifted impulse responses such that the relation between the ILC adjustment signal $a$ and the output $y$ is given by
\[y = T_a a\]
After some derivations, available in Norrlöf's thesis, a simple algorithm is obtained that relies on only matrix factorizations:
Q = ((ρ+λ)*I + Ta'Ta)\(λ*I + Ta'Ta)
L = (λ*I + Ta'Ta)\Ta'
a[k+1] = (Q*(a[k]' + L*e'))'
where the tuning variable $λ$ is used to control the learning rate, and $ρ$ is used to control the trade-off between the control error $e$ and control effort $a$.
This example mirrors that of HeuristicILC, we create the system model and feedback controller here without any explanation, and refer to the HeuristicILC example for those details
using IterativeLearningControl2, ControlSystemsBase, Plots
function double_mass_model(;
Jm = 1, # motor inertia
Jl = 1, # load inertia
k = 100, # stiffness
c0 = 1, # motor damping
c1 = 1, # transmission damping
c2 = 1, # load damping
A = [
0.0 1 0 0
-k/Jm -(c1 + c0)/Jm k/Jm c1/Jm
0 0 0 1
k/Jl c1/Jl -k/Jl -(c1 + c2)/Jl
B = [0, 1/Jm, 0, 0]
C = [1 0 0 0]
ss(A, B, C, 0)
# Continuous
P = double_mass_model(Jl = 1)
Pact = double_mass_model(Jl = 1.5) # 50% more load than modeled
C = pid(10, 1, 1, form = :series) * tf(1, [0.02, 1])
Ts = 0.02 # Sample time
Gr = c2d(feedback(P*C), Ts) |> tf
Gu = c2d(feedback(P, C), Ts)
Gract = c2d(feedback(Pact*C), Ts)
Guact = c2d(feedback(Pact, C), Ts)
T = 3pi # Duration
t = 0:Ts:T # Time vector
function funnysin(t)
x = sin(t)
s,a = sign(x), abs(x)
y = s*((a + 0.01)^0.2 - 0.01^0.2)
t > 2π ? sign(y) : y
r = funnysin.(t)' |> Array # Reference signal
1×472 Matrix{Float64}:
0.0 0.0978228 0.15115 0.189348 … 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Next, we define the ILCProblem
and create the learning algorithm object OptimizationILC
prob = ILCProblem(; r, Gr, Gu)
alg = OptimizationILC(; ρ=0.00001, λ=0.0001)
sol = ilc(prob, alg)
The result looks good when run on the model, but how does it looks if we run it on the "actual" dynamics with 50% larger load inertia?
actual = ILCProblem(; r, Gr=Gract, Gu=Guact)
sol = ilc(prob, alg; actual)
Still quite good. The resulting ILC feedforward signal $a$ in this example is not immediately comparable to that from the HeuristicILC example. Here, we let the ILC signal enter directly at the plant input, while in the HeuristicILC example, the ILC signal was added to the reference signal.
— TypeOptimizationILC(; ρ = 1e-3, λ = 1e-3)
Optimization-based linear ILC algorithm from Norrlöf's thesis. This algorithm applies the ILC feedforward signal directly to the plant input.
: Penalty on feedforward control actionλ
: Step size penalty